This type of system has become the most commonly installed type due to the lack of need for maintenance and much lower price than a battery based off grid system. A grid tied, battery-less solar system in the Bahamas is allowed by BPL (formerly BEC) and after the required paperwork is submitted and approved, you will be allowed to “spin your meter backward” once your system is installed. Island Solar will help guide you through the process and install your net metered system professionally and with an eye for the details. The single purpose for installing a grid tie solar system is to reduce your consumption from the grid therefore lowering your electrical bill.

Solar panels are installed on a roof of a building (or anywhere where there is direct sunlight and less shading) to capture the sun’s light energy and converts to (DC/ direct current) electricity. This electrical energy is transferred directly to batteries that act as a storage container for the harvested energy. This energy is converted to regular household electricity called (AC / alternating current), using a device called a power inverter, and now can be used to power electrical appliances in that building. Every solar system has to be “sized” (designed) for the electrical load (demand) that will be placed on it. If a building’s electrical consumption (load) is large, then a large solar system will be required to supply the consumption (load) demand. A larger system requires more equipment and therefore cost more. It is very important to get a professional solar assessment to determine your solar needs for your building.

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An off grid solar electric system is perfect for those who desire true energy independence and are willing to live in ‘energy efficient’ and mindful way. Island Solar specialize in off grid solar electric systems in the Bahamas.